First this is my second android smartphone. My last android are LG 4x
I dont like to post many pic ao i make it simple review.
5.2" Display are great. Altough 0.2 " gone.for main button. So it 5.0"
The amazing part was brightness. My last 4x 0% brightness barely see anything, yet on G2 0% brightness still can be see, even undersunlight.
Other main point it battery, i use it daily where my 4x will need rechange every 8 hours. With G2 i can use it for full one day. Only recharge when to sleep with 30% battery.
Finaly great smartphone with great battery.
No button expect back button sure funny at 1st. But when get used to it. It real what we called as smartphone.
no need to move or relocate your finger aa much as usual. (Science make us more more lazy)
Guest mode are the mode where many user like me hope for. It will help keep your privacy , so no more.children accident where they erase your apps, pic, or else.
For me, this phone what i called real "multimedia" smartphone. It wasn't intended for specific task, but for jack of all trade without any weakness, maybe the only weakness was lack of update (hey but who care about update your phone where you use it all time)
Many people dislike update. The only like update aRe geek or nerd that hungry for technology.
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